I hadn’t made one of these for a while, so I thought I would make this one to hold a gift for my friend Kori Lee who just had her baby boy. She’s decorating his room in western décor. I though she could possibly use it for something in there. Altered paint cans are fun to decorate. You can buy new empty ones at Lowes or Home Depot for around $4. I especially like to decorate ones for girls because you can do so much more with fancy frillies such as ribbon up the handles ect. But this one was fun too! I just had to be careful and not make it to “girly” or her husband wouldn’t let it in the nursery ; )
6 years ago
Hey Trish I'm way excited you have a blog too!! Now we can defiantly keep in touch. We will be there for the july 4th weekend for a family reunion for sam's family but we have to leave on the 6th because the movers are coming on the 8th to pack us up and move us to Washington. But we will be back in Farmington on the 11th I think so I will call you and we can meet up. Shannon
That is really cute. I like that idea. You are a creative little mite aren't you?
What a cute idea! I am going to have to try and and one!
cute! What do you do with it?
Hey Shantel, it’s good to see that your back!
To answer your question, I use it to put a gift in to give to
someone. They can use it for decoration in a room or as I told my friend, she could use it for
a door stopper : ) It could also be used as a bookend. Basically anything you find a use for it ; )
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