I'm so glad that we were able to see my sister Shantel and family on our way to ID. They stopped to spend the night at April and Corin's house for Friday night. They were on their way to Overton to spend Thanksgiving with Jerome's parents. I finally got to meet my new little nephew who is already 7 months old!! Last time we were in ID visiting was for Easter, and Shantel was on bed rest pregnant with this little guy, so we didn't get to see her much. Mr. Preston is just as cute as can be. He fits right in with the other two super cute boys!! I was only able to get a few quick snapshots before they left Saturday morning. Benny sure misses his cousin Broc! They play so CUTE together!! I can't wait till we live closer : )

(Carter & Broc)

(Shantel, I really like your hair like this)

I was sad to see them leave....but excited we were able to see them too! Take care you guys, and don't let the boys change anymore until I get to see them next : )
(I didn't get one of Jerome : ( he must have been packing up the van)